350-2100 cfm Dryers Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 52 of 58
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
Little or no air coming from
process delivery tube.
A. Dirty Filters A. Clean or replace
B. Desiccant beds
contaminated by material
or plasticizer leaking into
the system. See Sec. 6-6.
B. Replace desiccant
C. Blower fuse(s) blown. C. Fix problem and
Replace fuse(s).
D. Overload tripped.
D. Fix problem and reset
the overload.
E. Blower fins filled with
dust or contaminants.
E. Remove blower
sideplate, clean
baffles, replace.
Suction in delivery tube,
pressure from the return
A. Phase is reversed on
power drop coming
into the dryer.
A. Stop the Dryer.
If the dryer was connected
to the drying hopper, check
to see if the desiccant and
process air heater has
been contaminated with
resin. If so, replace the
desiccant and remove any
resin carry-over. Otherwise,
change the phase of two
legs of the three-phase
power drop. Never change
the phase at the motor
starters unless only one of
the two blowers is rotating