2–Pump 12-Station Controllers Chapter 4: Operation 35
2. Using number keys 1 to 0, enter the new time.
3. Press the ENTER key to save the new setting into controller memory.
If several stations require altering:
1. Press the SET key instead of the ENTER key.
The new settings are saved and the station number increments to the next station in sequence.
Press the SET key without entering a value to retain the original value in controller memory.
The load time range of the station is from 1 to 360 seconds. Entering values beyond this
range result in the screen displaying three (3) question marks (???).
To abort this erroneous entry and return to normal operation mode:
1. Press the CLEAR key.
Enabling and Disabling Individual Stations
Except while you are in the menu system and when you are altering system parameters, you
can enable or disable any station in the system.
To enable or disable a loading station:
1. Press the STnn key (where nn is the station number you want) to toggle between
station enable or disable mode.
4-2 Controller Description and Operation
Your 12-station controller system has been designed for quick setup and easy, low
maintenance operation. Before you begin operation, make sure you become familiar with the
functions and features of your controller.
The controller screen displays the status of the controller at any given time. By a simple
glance, you can know exactly what the controller is doing. The screen has three areas:
• Text area, a 2-line, 20-character screen
• Station icons for displaying the status of each individual station
• Status indicators for displaying the operation of the pump.
Text Area
The text area is separated into four (4) sections. The appearance of the screen depends on the
setting of the Pump mode.