Y1-03-0211 Rev D 45
Length (of the complete convoy) = 400m
Beam (of the complete convoy) = 32m
Internal GPS-Antenna is mounted 20 metres from stern and 24 metres from starboard.
Length(Conv) : 400
Beam(Conv) : 32
RefPtExt :
RefPtInt : B20D24 (no spaces, no decimals, no commas)
The full line as shown will be displayed after pressing Enter:
RefPtInt : A380 B20 C8 D24m (A and C are calculated by the AIS).
Enter RefPtExt (location of the external GPS antenna) in the same way.
Ship length and beam have to be entered in dm. Conversion 1m is 10dm.
NOTE: - Mode. The field
Length(ship) and Beam(Ship) are only the values of the ship and calculated in dm (1m / 10).
For stand alone ship enter same dimensions, Length(ship) and Beam(Ship) again.
Save the new settings by pressing [Save]. Press [Back] return to the Main Menu Screen
without saving any changes.
Dynamic Keys: Input of Ship Settings
N 1
19' E 0
12' |1>0.01|2>1.30|3>1.80nm
************ Ship Settings *************
Atis Code :max. 7ASCII +------+
| |
Length(Conv):400m | A
Beam(Conv) :32m | |
RefPtExt :A380 B20 C8 D24m | x--|
RefPtInt :A380 B20 C8 D24m | | B
Length(ship):600dm | | |
Beam(ship) :220dm +-C-+D-+
| Save | | | Back