To add books to your tablet’s internal memory or to a micro SD card, copy the
books to the LumiBooks folder, see “Transferring files between a microSD card
and your PC“ on page 24 or “Connecting to a PC as a USB storage device“ on
page 24.
Note: Connect your tablet to a computer and add books to the
folder on your tablet’s internal memory or micro SD card to see them on the
LumiRead bookshelves.
Instead of using the LumiBooks folder, you may add your own book folders,
and have any contents displayed on the Lumiread bookshelves.
Tap the settings icon and select Manag
e my book folders. You will see a list of
folders that are displayed in on the bookshelves.
Note: Folders that begin /mnt/sdcard/ are on your tablet’s internal memory.
Folders that begin /mnt/external_sd/ are on the micro SD card.
Tap Add Book Folder, look for the folder in the list and tap the circle on the
right to select it; tap on a folder name to see sub-folders. When you have
selected all the folders you want to add, tap Add. Books in the selected folders
will be added to the bookshelves after a short delay.
To remove a folder, tap and hold the fold
er name in the Manage my book
folders list, and select Remove Book Folder,then Yes.
Tap the shopping cart and select your region to see a featured bookstore. On
the right, additional bookstores are listed, tap the plus sign add links to your
favorite sites.
Note: You must create a customer account before purchasing items from the
featured bookstore.