32 Chapter 2
Standard CMOS Features
The following table describes the parameters found in this menu:
Parameter Description Options
Date Lets you set the date following the weekday-
month-day-year format
Week : from Sun. to Sat., determined by
BIOS and is display only
Month : from Jan. through Dec.
Day : from 1 to 31 ( or the maximum allowed
in the month)
Year : from 1999 to 2098
Time Lets you set the time following the hour-minute-
second format
The items format is <hour>
<minut><second>. The time is calculated
base on the 24-hour military-time clock. For
example, 1 p.m. is 13:00:00
Item Help
Menu Level X
F5:Previous Values F7:Default Settings
Halt On [All, But Keyboard]
:Move Enter: Select +/-/Pu/PD :Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
Total Memory 1022976K
Base Memory 640K
Extended Memory 1021952K
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Standard CMOS Features
SATA Channel 0 Master None
Time (hh:mm:ss): 11:08:43
XSATA Channel 0 Master None
SATA Channel 0 Master None
Date (mm:dd:yy): Wed Aug 23 2006
XSATA Channel 0 Master None
Drive A [1.44M, 3.5 in]