Google Talk
Note: Google Talk may not be available in all countries and regions.
Note: You need to activate a Google account before you can use Google
Tap Talk from application menu to open Google Talk. Here you can see a list of
your contacts connected to Google Talk services. Tap on a contact to open a
chat session. After you have connected, you can open a video chat session.
Use the front-facing camera so the person you call can see you while you can
see them on the screen; hold your tablet in portrait mode to improve the
camera position.
The Books application allows you to purchase, store and read books on your
tablet. Tap the Books shortcut in the Application menu, or the eReading
content folder, to open the Books application.
Viewing your books
All books stored on your tablet may be seen on the Books application main
screen. If you have many books, swipe the screen left to see them.
Simply tap a book to open it. Rotate your ta
blet to the best angle to read the
Adding books
You may either add books that you already own, or download new books
directly to your tablet.
To download books, click on the Shop icon in the top right of the screen. A new
b browser window will open to the Google ebookstore.