26 Chapter 1
Acer eNet Management can save network settings for a location to a profile, and automatically apply the
appropriate profile when you move fromone location to another. Settings stored include network connection
settings (IP and DNS settings, wireless AP details, etc.), as well as default printer settings.
Security and safety concerns mean that Acer eNet Management does not store username and password
Acer ePower Management
Acer ePower Management features a straightforward user interface. To launch it, select Acer ePower
Management from the Empowering Technology interface, or double-click the Acer ePower Management icon
in the task tray.
Acer Mode
The default setting is “Maximum Performance.” You can adjust CPU speed, LCD brightness and other
settings, or click on buttons to turn the following functions on/off: Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, CardBus, Memory
Card, Audio, and Wired LAN.
DC Mode
To suit your usage, there are four pre-defined profiles - Entertainment, Presentation, Word Processing, and
Maximum Battery. Or, you can define up to three of your own profiles.
Create new power scheme
1. Assign a name for the new scheme.
2. Choose existing scheme to use as a template.
3. Select whether used for mains (AC) or batery mode.
4. Choose which power options best fit your needs, then click OK.
5. The new profile will appear on the main screen.