Your Royal cash register is protected by an efficient security system that
incorporates the following:
· A Control Lock that cannot be activated without the Operator Register Key or Manager's Program Key.
The Register Key accesses the "OFF" mode and "REG" modes only, thus limiting access to other
modes only to individuals who are authorized to use the Manager's Program key.
· A heavy duty locking cash drawer.
· High digit lockout option which prevents excessively high register over rings.
· Availability of 40 clerk numbers to monitor access and sales of individual operators.
· 2-way Password system to prevent unauthorized programming or printing of management reports.
A password can be programmed to limit access to "PRG", "X" and "Z" positions.
· A broad range of management reports to provide detailed data on virtually all cash register operations
performed on the machine; monitors use of the "No Sale" key, number of voids, refunds, etc.
REGISTER TONE - This cash register emits a brief audible tone that sounds to confirm registration each
time a key is pressed. If desired, this tone can be eliminated. See Flag # 69, Page 63.
ENTRY ERROR ALARM - When using the register, all operations must be performed in the proper
sequence. If an error occurs, the register will sound a continuous tone alarm (a "KEY OP ERR" message
appears in the display and the keyboard locks). To clear the error/lock condition, the operator simply
presses the [CLEAR] key and continues to operate in the proper sequence. IMPORTANT - When an
operation is begun but not completed in the "REG" position, turning the control lock to another position will
result in an alarm/error condition. When a transaction is begun in the "REG" position, it must be completed
by using of one of the totalizer keys (i.e., the [AMOUNT TEND/TOTAL] key before changing to another
MAXIMUM ENTRY LOCK-OUT - To prevent the operator from entering an erroneously high price into the
register, the register can be programmed to limit the number of digits that can be entered in the transaction.
The register can be programmed to "Lock-Out" after an entry of one (.09) to seven (99,999.99) digits.
CLEAR KEY [CLEAR] - As described above, the Clear [CLEAR] key will erase an alarm condition caused
by an operational error (usually pressing a key which was not proper for that operation). The [CLEAR] key
will not erase a transaction which has been registered by an operating key and printed on the register tape.
To erase entries made in error after pressing the Department key or any other operating key causing the
entry to be printed on the tape, use the Void [VOID] key function to correct the error.
ERROR - A "KEY OP ERR" message is displayed when a numerical entry exceeds the specified number of
digits or a misoperation is done.
HALF SYSTEM CLEAR - If an error tone still persists, perform a Half System Clear. For details on a Half
System Clear see Page 99.
FULL SYSTEM CLEAR - If the operator cannot correct an error lock condition, as a last resort a Full System
Clear should be done. For details on the Full System Clear see Page 99.
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