41-001160-00, Release 2.2 Rev 05 Index-9
display name 3-56
line mode 3-57
password 3-57
phone number 3-56
screen name 3-56
screen name 2 3-56
user name 3-56
SIP settings, network
backup proxy port 3-58
backup proxy server 3-58
backup registrar port 3-60
backup registrar server 3-60
outbound proxy port 3-59
outbound proxy server 3-59
proxy port 3-58
proxy server 3-58
registrar port 3-59
registrar server 3-59
registration period 3-60
SIP Settings, RTP
Basic Codecs 3-68
customized Codec preference list 3-69
DTMF method 3-69
Force RFC2833 Out of Band DTMF 3-68
RTP encryption 3-69
RTP port 3-68
silence suppression 3-69
Softkey settings A-192
softkeys 5-141
configuring 5-154
Softkeys and Programmable Keys
locking 5-50, 5-371
softkeys and programmable keys
locking A-226
softkeys, state-based 5-142
speeddial key 5-147
speeddial keys
enabling/disabling ability to add and edit 5-168
prefixes for 5-167
Speeddial/Conf key 5-151, 5-184
Speeddial/Xfer key 5-151, 5-178
sprecode key 5-150
SRV lookup, configuring 4-75
status message beep
configuring in configuration files and Web
UI 5-315
status message scrolling G-80
configuring in configuration files and Web
UI 5-316
subnet mask 3-39
switch focus to ringing line 5-79
time and date
date format 3-31
NTP time servers 3-31
time format 3-31
Time Server 1 3-32
Time Server 2 3-32
Time Server 3 3-32
time and date, configuring 5-23
time servers, configuring 4-67
time zone and dst settings, custom 5-20, A-54
absolute A-55
relative time A-58
TLS (Transport Layer Security) 6-26
configuring using the Aastra Web UI 6-29
configuring using the config files 6-28
SIP asserted identify (Sylantro Servers) 6-27
TLS support
sip persistent tls 3-86
sip transport protocol 3-85
sips local certificate 3-87
sips private key 3-88
sips root and intermediate certificates 3-87
sips trusted certificates 3-88
ToS 4-54
ToS, DSCP 3-51
transfer key 1-7
Transfer softkey 1-26, 1-30
troubleshooting 9-3
error messages 9-15
log settings 9-3
log settings for A-244
module/debug level settings 9-4
solutions to common problems 9-19
support information 9-7