Installation LAN Integration
Uninstall or deactivate services allocated to the following ports. Port numbers in
current use are listed on the System Info: Network: Ports page in the Configu-
rator of the Web console.
Port Numbers
Transport Port(s) Description
TCP 67 DHCP and BOOTP service for IP config-
uration of VoIP terminals
TCP 80 HTTP service for operating the Web
console and the OpenCTI application
TCP 389 LDAP service for querying the tele-
phone book
TCP 6113-6116 internal administrative services
TCP 7001 CSTA service
TCP 8099 IP-RFP system service (for DECT over IP)
TCP 8100 IP_L2_REGM, registration service for
VoIP system telephones
TCP 8101 IP_L2, service for VoIP system tele-
TCP 8106 DECT monitor service
TCP 10000-10010 predefined port numbers for a Q.SIG-IP
TCP 14456 CTI control service (UDP also)
TCP 14457 CTI data service
TCP 27015 sysmon service (localhost only)
TCP 27016 autolog service (localhost only)
TCP 28015 supervisor system service (localhost
TCP 28016 supervisor admin service (localhost
TCP 59414 RM_RTP service