IP Phone Keys
41-001522-00 REV00 – 04.2014 5
Keypad Keys
The 6863i has a keypad with digits from 0 through 9, a * key, and a # key. Keys 2 through 9 contain the letters of the alpha-
bet. The 6863i phone keypad includes the following:
The * is called the star key. The # is called the number sign, pound key, or hash key, depending on one's nationality or per-
sonal preference. These can be used for special functions such as accessing voicemail. The star key and pound key func-
tions are dependant on your country’s feature availability. Contact your System Administrator for more information about
available functions using these keys.
These keypad keys can be used for any of the following on the phone:
• Dialing a phone number to make a call (see “Dialing a Number” on page 68).
• Entering digits or letters in the IP phone user interface.
• Programming a speed dial number (see “Creating a Speed Dial Key” on page 39).
• Pressing a speed dial key (see “Creating a Speed Dial Key” on page 39).
• Pressing the keys associated with a called Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
Keypad Key Description
0Dials 0
Dials the Operator on a registered phone
1 Dials 1
2 ABC Dials 2
When entering text, this key enters A with one press, B with two presses, and C with three presses
3 DEF Dials 3
When entering text, this key enters D with one press, E with two presses, and F with three presses
4 GHI Dials 4
When entering text, this key enters G with one press, H with two presses, and I with three presses
5 JKL Dials 5
When entering text, this key enters J with one press, K with two presses, and L with three presses
6 MNO Dials 6
When entering text, this key enters M with one press, N with two presses, and O with three presses
7 P QRS Dials 7
When entering text, this key enters P with one press, Q with two presses, R with three presses, and S with four presses.
8 TUV Dials 8
When entering text, this key enters T with one press, U with two presses, and V with three presses
9 WXYZ Dials 9
When entering text, this key enters W with one press, X with two presses, Y with three presses, and Z with four presses.