Configuration Methods
41-001160-00, Release 2.1, Rev 04 2-3
Configuration Interface Methods
Configuration Interface Methods
Options Key
The Options key allows you to access the "Options List" on the IP phone.
Accessible options in this list are for both user and Administrator use. An
Administrator must enter a password for administrator options.
This document describes the administrator options only. For a description of the
user options in the "Options List", see your model-specific SIP IP Phone User
The following illustration indicates the location of the Options Key on each phone
Note: An Administrator can apply a simplified options menu to the IP
phones. An Administrator can also enable and disable the use of an
Administrator password protection in the IP phone UI. These features are
configurable using the configuration files only.
For more information about these features, see Chapter 3, the section,
“Simplified IP Phone UI Options Menu” on page page 3-5, and Chapter
5, the section, “Administrator Passwords” on page 5-8.
57i/57i CT
57i CT Handset
Options Key
Options Key