Run Status Description
All All runs in the database
Completed Runs that are completed
Completed (successful) Runs that are successfully completed without
Invalid, Inhibited, Inspect, or Error results
Completed (requires examination) Runs that are completed with at least one Invalid,
Inhibited, Inspect, or Error result
Configured Runs that are configured but not yet started
Abort Runs that are aborted by a user
Failed Runs that are failed due to errors such as instru-
ment disconnection, etc.
5. Click the Apply Filter button after selecting the filters you want to use.
6. The 3M Molecular Detection Software displays a list of the runs that match the filter parameters you selected.
7. Select a run from the list and click the Delete button.
8. In the pop-up box that asks “Are you sure you want to permanently delete this run?”, Click Yes to permanently delete the
run from the database.
Open Runs Window