Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
Touch screen
driver error
The touch screen drivers can detect error conditions that are independent
of the operating system. If you see one of the following error messages,
please note the number displayed with it. This will help 3M Touch
Systems technical support staff to diagnose the problem (see page 3).
Error message Solution
9002: Unable to
communicate with touch
controller. Check COM port
settings and cabling.
1. Disconnect power to the controller.
2. Double-check all connections between
the controller and the host computer.
3. Re-connect power to the controller.
4. Double-check COM port settings for all
peripheral devices and the controller.
5. Ensure no other touch drivers are loaded.
6. If the error message persists, call
3M Touch Systems for assistance.
91xx: Touch controller
image error detected.
• When turning on the MicroTouch NFI
touch screen system, make sure that
nothing is touching the touch screen or
• If error persists after power-cycling with a
clean, untouched screen:
• There may be short circuits to the
touch controller or screen.
• The touch screen connector may be
• The touch screen or controller may
need servicing.
• Double-check all connections between
the controller and the host computer.
• If the error message persists, call
3M Touch Systems for assistance.
91xx: Unrecoverable
EEPROM failure detected
in touch controller. Touch
screen is inoperable.
Servicing is required.
• Controller requires servicing. Call
3M Touch Systems for assistance.
91xx: Touch controller failed
RAM or ROM test. Touch
screen is inoperable.
Servicing is required.
• Controller requires servicing. Call
3M Touch Systems for assistance.