
1. The glassy layer of porcelain/enamel/ceramic must be scored through to the metal base
creating a disc.
2. This disc must be removed while protecting the surrounding decorative coating against
chipping or fracturing.
3. The base metal must be drilled through to complete the hole.
A. Markcenterfor9/16”hole.
B. Formadamofshallowputtyaroundholelocationandllwithenoughwatertolubricate
carbide drill bit.
C. Carefully drill pilot hole through porcelain/enamel/ceramic and base metal using a carbide
pilot drill. Always operate drill with light pressure at slow speed (300-400 rpm).
D. Drillporcelain/enamel/ceramicusingspecial9/16”cuttingtool,makingcertainacomplete
E. Change to metal cutting drill bit and drill out the center of the ring, making sure not to
contact outer rim of decorative coating. Cut through metal sink base.
8) Troubleshooting
Water leaks from threaded connection:
Tighten fittings or hex nut until leak stops. If leaks persist, shut off water at the cold water
valve, remove threaded fittings, reapply PTFE tape around the fitting to the left (counter-
clockwise), and screw back into head assembly or saddle valve.
Water leaks at quick connect fittings:
Push tubing in as far as it will go. If leaking continues, shut off water at the cold water valve
and remove water line by pushing in on the connector collet while pulling the tubing away.
Inspect tubing for cracks. If tubing is cracked, simply cut that portion away and re-insert
tubing into quick connect fitting (see Figure 1, Page 8).
Water does not flow from the drinking water system faucet:
NOTE: In rare cases, it may take a week or more for the residual air bubbles to be com-
pletely eliminated.