Operation (Continued)
Figure 3-2 – Controls, Valves and Switches
1 Electrical "On/Off" Switch
The box drive belts are turned on and off (off
button is red) with the electrical switch on the
side of the machine guard at the infeed end.
Note – The air valve has provisions for
lockout/tagout according to plant regulations.
2 Main Air "On/Off" Valve/Pressure
Regulator/Filter – Figure 3-3
This set of pneumatic components controls,
regulates and filters plant air supply to the two
separate control circuits of the case sealer.
Pressure Regulator regulates main air pressure to
the machine to adjust pressure, pull knob up and
turn – push down to lock setting.
Filter removes dirt and moisture from plant air
before it enters the case sealer pneumatic circuits.
If water collects in bottom of bowl, lift up on the
valve on the bottom of bowl to drain.
"On/Off" Valve – "On" turn to "SUP" – "Off" turn to
"EXH". Note – Turning air supply "Off"
automatically bleeds air pressure from the case
sealer air circuits.
Always turn the air "Off" when machine is not in
use, when servicing the machine, or when
connecting or disconnecting air supply line.
Note – The case sealer has a circuit
breaker located in the electrical enclosure
on the lower right side of the machine
frame. If circuit becomes overloaded and
circuit breaker trips, unplug the machine
electrical cord and determine cause of
overload. After two minutes, remove the
electrical control box cover and reset the
circuit breaker by pressing the "Reset"
button and then the "Start" button on the
circuit breaker. Replace the control box
cover, plug machine electrical cord into
outlet and restart machine by pressing
green "On" button.