78-8130-6151-8-E 45
Figure #2 Red clip to the crossed conductor of
one pair; Black clip to the crossed conductor of
the other pair.
Figure #3 Red clip to the faulted conductor;
Black clip to ground.
Figure #4 Red clip to Tip of Pair 1; Black clip
to Ring of Pair 1.
Verify Split:
Figure #5 Red clip to good conductor of Pair 1;
Black clip to split conductor of Pair 2
Cable Identification
Transmitter Setup
1. Connect the 3M
Dyna-Coupler to the Transmitter output jack [T-6] using
the coupler cable.
Note: Cable Identification requires two Dyna-Couplers: one at the Transmitter and
one at the Receiver.
2. Clamp the Dyna-Coupler around the cable or both the tip and ring of a pair. Make
sure the jaws fully close.
3. Press and hold [T-1] to perform a battery check.
4. Press OHMS/FAULT/TONE [T-2] three times to set the transmitter to Tone mode.
− The indicator flag will light in the display [T-4] under the tone icon.
5. Press OUTPUT [T-5] for high output level.
− The indicator flag will light in the display [T-4] above the output icon.
− The display [T-4] will alternately flash between 577 and 133K.