3M™ Overhead Projector 1800 Illustrated Parts Breakdown
© 3M 2007 2
Revision History
Original Issue date: 10/2001
The release date, revision level, pages changed and a description of the modifications are listed below.
Revision Page(s)
10/2001 All pages First edition released
1/2002 Figure 1 Added Light Shield Kit
6/2002 All pages Individual parts combined into modules and kits
8/2002 Figures 5, 8-14
Added Post Handle, Lamp Module kit content, OUS motor, and U.S.
Roll Film Kit.
6/2003 All pages New art and parts listings for kits, modules, and individual parts.
All pages
Sec 4, Page 9
Sec 5 pg 10, 11,
Sec 7, pg 14
Sec 8, pg 16, 17
Sec 18,pg 29
Sec 19, pg 31
Appendix A
Figures & tables new layout.
New Arm Kit names and part nbrs.
New Arm section added for S/Ns above 18040828.
Added On/Off Button Kit to art.
New section for clipped-in glass.
New 120V Fan Motor name & part #
New 120V & 230V Fan Motors
New information added.
All pages
Part numbers updated
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