Spray Equipment Warranty and Limited Remedy
3M™ warrants to the original purchaser that, when used in accordance with 3M’s
written instructions, 3M spray equipment will be free of defects in materials and
manufacture for one year from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to
damage or malfunction caused by normal wear, failure to maintain, or by any abuse,
accident, tampering, alteration, or misuse of the spray equipment.
be returned, freight prepaid by the purchaser, to the service location address given by
the 3M Service Center. Upon validation of the warranty claim, 3M will replace or repair
including parts, labor and return shipping charges. If it is determined that the claim is
not covered by the warranty, the purchaser will be given the option to have the spray
equipment repaired outside of the warranty. An estimate of parts and labor will be
provided by 3M and must be approved by the purchaser in advance.
particular purpose intended.
Limitation of Liability: Theremediessetforthaboveareexclusive.Exceptwhere
prohibited by law, 3M and any seller of the spray equipment will not be liable for
any loss or damage arising from or related to the use or inability to use this product,
whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal
theory or basis of liability asserted.
Note: Invoice is required for return authorization number and to determine warranty
Contact Information
TO PLACE AN ORDER,contactyour3MSalesRepresentativeorDistributor,
or call this number:
product information available at the time of publication.
3M reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
3M, Accuspray and PPS are trademarks of 3M Company.
Tabla de Contenidos
Número de Página del Tema
Medidas de Seguridad ..............................................................................................21
Contenidos-Desempaque ..........................................................................................26
Instalación y Uso General del Pistola aplicadora en spray ..........................................27
Cuidado y Limpieza del Pistola aplicadora en spray ...................................................29
Identificación de Piezas de Pistolas aplicadora en spray Series 05-100 .....................32
Identificación de Piezas de Pistolas aplicadora en spray Series 05-300 .....................34
Guía de Selección de la Aguja/Boquilla/Tapa del Aire .................................................36
Solución de problemas .............................................................................................37