Network Management System and Services Notes 59
Capturing Commands to
boot.cfg File
When using Capture to save commands to the boot.cfg, the commands are not
immediately written to the boot.cfg file. A system crash or reboot may occur at a
time when commands that have been executed have not been written to the
boot.cfg file causing these commands to be lost.
Change Configuration
and Diagnostic Menu
The options on the Change Configuration and Diagnostic menu do not apply to
the model 1x1 OfficeConnect bridge/router because ISDN ports are not present on
this system.
CPU Utilization Statistic For the NETBuilder Remote Office bridge/routers, the CPU utilization statistic
indicates a high percentage of utilization regardless of actual use. CPU utilization
is displayed on the first line of the response to the SHow STATistics command. This
incorrect display statistic will be fixed in a future release of the Enterprise OS
bridge/router software.
File System Error Occasionally a false file system error message telling you to format and restore
configuration files will appear on the console. These false errors appear when the
background processing in the NETBuilder bridge/router is performing file
operations and you attempt a write operation (such as a SETDefault command,
DEFRag command, and FORMAT command). In these programmatic lockouts
rather than media related error conditions, the flash file system will NOT need to
be reformatted. Examining the results of the attempted command (such as SHow
to examine the results of the attempted SETDefault) can indicate whether the file
system error is a false indication or not.
Firmware Configuration To select BootP as your Address Discovery protocol, you must set all five IP address
options to None.
Firmware Update The bridge/router updates firmware as part of its software boot process. In some
cases, some text is displayed during the firmware upgrade process, which appears
similar to the following:
>>>>updating firmware boot bank A
>>>>famd_blk_erase: block addr less than 512K: 0x10000
>>>>famd_blk_erase: block addr less than 512K: 0x20000
>>>>Firmware boot bank update is complete.
These messages do not indicate a problem and can be ignored.
IP Quality of Service
There is a bug in the software that exhibits itself when setting the bandwidth of a
QoS Policy to be 8k or lower. The workaround is to assign a bandwidth greater
than 8k to the policy.
IP Quality of Service
When using the IP Quality of Service (IP QoS) features, there are two methods for
configure priority queueing. The older method uses the IP Filter Service and the
new method uses the IPQoS Service. Assigning a priority to IP packets in IP QOS
does not work. For the 11.4 release, if you wish to create a policy to configure
priority queueing use the IP Filter Service Policy command to establish filtering
Multiple Paths to BootP
Multiple paths to a BootP server may cause a BootP reply to fail. If a BootP reply is
transmitted by a BootP server and not received by the router, flush the IP Routing