
BGP 135
By default, route filtering based on an AS path list for a peer or peer group is
Configuring a Route Filtering Policy Based on Address Prefix List for a Peer
By default, route filtering based on address prefix list for a peer or peer group is
Configuring Networks for BGP Distribution
Perform the following configurations in BGP view..
By default, no network is configured for BGP distribution.
Configuring Interaction Between BGP and IGP
Importing IGP Route Information
BGP can transmit the internal network information of local AS to other AS. To
reach such objective, the network information about the internal system learned
by the local router via IGP routing protocol can be transmitted.
Remove the ingress route filtering policy based
on AS path list of a peer (group)
undo peer { peer-address | group-name }
as-path-acl acl-number import
Configure the egress route filtering policy
based on IP ACL for
a peer group
peer group-name as-path-acl acl-number
Remove the egress route filtering policy based
on IP ACL for
a peer group
undo peer group-name as-path-acl
acl-number export
Table 110 Configuring a Route Filtering Policy Based on Address Prefix List for a Peer
Operation Command
Configure the ingress route filtering policy
based on address prefix list for a peer (group)
peer { peer-address | group-name } ip-prefix
prefixname import
Remove the ingress route filtering policy based
on address prefix list of a peer (group)
undo peer { peer-address | group-name }
ip-prefix prefixname import
Configure the egress route filtering policy
based on address prefix list for a peer group
peer group-name ip-prefix prefixname
Remove the egress route filtering policy based
on address prefix list for a peer group
undo peer group-name ip-prefix prefixname
Table 111 Configuring Networks for BGP Distribution
Operation Command
Configure the local network route network ip-address address-mask [
route-policy route-policy-name ]
Remove the local network route undo network ip-address address-mask [
route-policy route-policy-name ]
Table 109 Configuring Route Filtering Policy Based on an AS Path List for a Peer (Group)
Operation Command