
#ThermalVision™ PRO SW
ND-7609-3UK Page 11 of 21
3.4. Menus and Toolbars
Use either the drop down menus or the icons on the toolbar to carry out various operations.
Drop down menus
Icons toolbar.
Items 1 and 2 below are also available via the icons on the toolbar.
1. Open. Use Windows Explorer to open an image.
2. Save. To save changes to the image.
3. Save As. To save the image with a different file name.
4. Revert. To discard all changes since the last save.
5. Excel output. Selecting this provides the temperature values of all pixels in a CSV
format allowing it to be saved as a file. This can then be read as an Excel
spreadsheet. Note that the file must be opened from within the Excel application
(not by “double-clicking” on the file) and selecting comma delimiters.