As digital cameras move well above the “photo-quality” bench-
mark, resolutions are a driving attribute but not the principal
driver for adoption. Rather it is these aforementioned “digital
specific” attributes that will compel consumers and profes-
sionals to purchase digital cameras over film cameras.
Olympus again is among the first to recognize this shift and
has begun a new phase of design and development of digital
New 10x Optical Zoom LensNew 10x Optical Zoom Lens
New 10x Optical Zoom LensNew 10x Optical Zoom Lens
New 10x Optical Zoom Lens
with Image Stabilizationwith Image Stabilization
with Image Stabilizationwith Image Stabilization
with Image Stabilization
The CAMEDIA E-100 ZOOM RS’s optical lens and image
stabilization is designed to be digitally specific for action,
sports and fast-paced event photography. The new 10x
optical zoom, which is a 6.4-70mm in digital lens terms,
(equivalent to 35mm-380mm in traditional 35mm film pho-
tography) is one of the industry’s first 10x zoom lens in an
affordably priced digital camera. The CAMEDIA E-100 ZOOM
RS’s back-saving weight is just over 1-1/3 lb. compared to
a professional film camera and lens assembly of equiva-
lent focal length weighing in at about 25 lb.
Expanded Focal Length Means More
Creativity, Greater Control
This extension of the focal length out to an equivalent 380mm
allows digital photographers to compose images that were
impossible in the past. In many circumstances, a sports
photographer cannot be right next to the subject matter.
This new expanded focal length lens allows the photogra-
pher to pull the subject into range, shoot tighter images,
create compactions of foreground to background and con-
trol selective depth-of-field that would be otherwise impos-
sible with shorter focal length lenses.
Walter Urie, a southern California commercial photogra-
pher for 20 years recently used the CAMEDIA E-100
ZOOM RS for a series of on-location shoots in Moab, Utah.
Walter specializes in annual report and advertising pho-
tography on-location and has used a number of digital and
film cameras for his work. Walter’s award winning images
have been featured in Communications Arts Magazine and
he currently teaches photography at Orange Coast Col-
lege. He has worked with Mercedes Benz, Isuzu, 3Com
and many others.
Walter Urie talks about his experiences with the CAMEDIA
E-100 ZOOM RS on location, “This camera and lens com-
bination allowed me to compose images that would other-
wise have been impossible. I’ve never used a still camera
with this kind of zoom range. It was incredibly useful. It
cameras that are produced to meet the specific needs of
photographers using “digital specific” processes. One of
these categories among professional and prosumers is ac-
tion, sports and fast-paced event photography. As you will
see by reading further, the CAMEDIA E-100 ZOOM RS and its
unique capabilities specifically address the needs of this
category of photographers like no other digital camera on the
market, at any price point.