Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software
Upgrading Your CSS
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide
If you did not configure a default FTP record before starting the upgrade
script, the script prompts you to configure one. You can either:
• Allow the CSS to automatically configure a record to the server
containing the ADI.
• At the prompts, manually configure the FTP record by entering the FTP
server information where you copied the upgrade ADI.
When a default FTPrecord is configured, informationsimilar to the following
appears during the upgrade:
Current Version:sg0710002 (Build 2)
*** You must remove an installed version to upgrade. ***
Attempting to delete sg0710001
archive running-config startup-config
Attempting ftp of sg0710002.adi:
# copy ftp DEFAULT_FTP ${new_version_adi} boot-image
Copying (-) 57,241,012
Completed successfully.
unpack ${new_version_adi}
Unpacking(/) 99%
setting primary boot-file sg0710002
The CSS automatically performs a flash upgrade, if necessary, and then boots
the new image.
4. After you upgrade the software in a CSS 11506 that contains a passive SCM,
use the passive sync command in boot-config mode (or the passive sync
macro command) immediately after upgrading your CSS software to
synchronize the boot configurations on the redundant SCMs. Refer to
Chapter 1, Logging In and Getting Started, the “Configuring a Boot
Configuration Record for the Passive SCM” section.
5. Use the restore command to restore the startup-config file, custom scripts,
and user-profile files previously archived in the CSS archive directory. To see
a list of files in the archive directory, enter:
# restore ?