Connect the First Computer to the Gateway
Congratulations on the purchase of your 2Wire gateway. To install your gateway and configure your network,
follow these steps.
Choose a Computer and Connection Type
There are many ways to set up your network, but typically the first computer is located in the same room as
the gateway and your DSL connection. Ethernet is the preferred connection method for your first computer,
although instructions for connecting via wireless and USB are also provided.
The first computer you connect to the network is used to configure the 2Wire gateway for proper operation.
Choose one of the following methods to connect your first computer to the gateway. Save and close all open
programs before you begin connecting your gateway.
Install the DSL Filter
Regular telephone and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) signals are carried over the same line. Converting your
regular telephone line to DSL can cause high-pitched tones and static when using the phone.
Installing a filter on every telephone or telephone device sharing the same telephone number as your DSL
separates these signals and eliminates the noise.
Note: Features for different models may vary. Product details will be specified for each
particular model.
Connection Type Page
Ethernet page 4
Wireless page 5
USB page 7
Note: New DSL customers only. Existing DSL customers with filters already installed should
proceed to Ethernet Connection on page 4, Wireless Connection on page 5, or USB
Connection on page 7.
1. Do not install DSL filters if your telephone line is only carrying a DSL signal.