Teledyne UltraTrace 3000 Oxygen Analyzer Oxygen Equipment User Manual

Ultra Trace Oxygen Analyzer Introduction 1
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
all the way in with a narrow gauge tool. Accessing the main circuit board
requires unfastening rear panel screws and sliding the unit out of the case.
1.6 Rear Panel (Equipment Interface)
The rear panel, shown in Figure 1-2, contains the gas and electrical
connectors for external inlets and outlets. Some of those depicted are op-
tional and may not appear on your instrument. The connectors are described
briefly here and in detail in chapter 3 Installation.
Figure 1-2: Model Ultra Trace 3000 Rear Panel
Power Connection Universal AC power source.
Gas Inlet and Outlet One inlet and one exhaust out.
Analog Outputs 01 V dc oxygen concentration plus 0-1
V dc range ID, and isolated 420 mA dc
oxygen concentration plus 4-20 mA dc
range ID.
Alarm Connections 2 concentration alarms and 1 system
ne Anal
tical Instruments