Display Modes
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A User Manual
Filter Type
The display filter types are sin(x)/x interpolation and linear interpolation. For
more information see the
section, page 2-21.
Press DISPLAY ➞ Filter (main) ➞ Sin(x)/x Interpolation or Linear Interpo-
lation (side).
When the horizontal scale is set to rates faster than 50 ns/div, or
when using the ZOOM feature to expand waveforms horizontally,
interpolation occurs. (The filter type, linear or sin(x)/(x), depends on
which is set in the Display menu.) Otherwise, interpolation is not
needed. See
Sampling and Digitizing
on page 2-19 for a discussion
of sampling including interpolation
Graticule Type
To change the graticule:
Press DISPLAY ➞ Graticule (main) ➞ Full, Grid, Cross Hair, Frame,
NTSC or PAL (side).
Full provides a grid, cross hairs and a frame.
Grid displays a frame and a grid.
Cross Hair
provides cross hairs, and a frame.
Frame displays just a frame.
provides a grid useful for measuring NTSC-class waveforms.
PAL provides a grid useful for measuring PAL-class waveforms.
Selecting either NTSC or PAL graticules automatically changes the
vertical scale, position settings, coupling, and sets to zero any
vertical offset of any channel displayed. These settings are not
restored after switching to other graticule types. Therefore, you
might wish to recall the factory setup or other stored setup after
selecting a different graticule.
There are two kinds of format: YT and XY.
YT is the conventional oscilloscope display format. It shows a signal voltage
(the vertical axis) as it varies over time (the horizontal axis).