Simultaneous operation of several tour guide
Since it is possible to switch between up to
three frequencies several guided tours can be
conducted at the same time. Another way
would be to select different preset frequencies
for the receivers (see VERSIONS).
Your local Sennheiser dealer (please see
attached list) will help you with the selection
of frequencies.
BA 90 Accuplug As a spare, or for replacing defective
(Cat. no. 03261) accuplugs.
EZL 1030-20L System case for 20 HDE 1030 receivers and
(Cat. no. 03877) one hand-held transmitter SKM 1030-7. (NB:
Requires NT 92 / NT 92-UK / NT 92-120.)
L 1030-10 Charging unit for recharging 10 HDE 1030
(Cat. no. 04024) receivers with inserted accuplugs. (NB:
Requires NT 92 / NT 92-UK / NT 92-120.)
L 92-10 / L 92-20 Charging unit for 10 and 20 BA 90 accuplugs,
(Cat. no. 03355 / 03356) respectively. (NB: Requires NT 92 /
NT 92-UK / NT 92-120.)
KK 1030 Connection cable for two charging units
(Cat. no. 04125) L 1030-10, L 92-10 or L 92-20. (Thus, one
plug-in mains unit powers two charging units.)
NT 92 230 V plug-in mains unit with Europlug for
(Cat. no. 03357) charging units EZL 1030-20L, L 1030-10,
L 92-10 or L 92-20. Please order separately!
NT 92-UK 240 V plug-in mains unit with UK 3-pin plug for
(Cat. no. 03359) charging units EZL 1030-20L, L 1030-10,
L 92-10 or L 92-20. Please order separately!
NT 92-120 120 V plug-in mains unit with USA 2-pin plug
(Cat. no. 03358) for charging units EZL 1030-20L, L 1030-10,
L 92-10 or L 92-20. Please order separately!
L 90 / L 90-UK Charger for one BA 90 accuplug.
(Cat. no. 03262)