5. The EVENT LOG file is a text (.txt) which may be viewed in either
Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. The data is in columns sepa-
rated (delimited) by commas. It may require some manipulation
of the columns to facilitate reading as shown in FIGURE 6. The
columns contain information as follows:
Column 1 Event number Identification
Column 2 Date of Event
Column 3 Time of Event
Column 4 Fire Company (blank if the PDA and the Base Unit have
the same name.)
Column 5 Truck Number
Column 6 Seat Number or Position
Column 7 Event (LOGON, PASS, ACK, etc.)
Column 8 Cylinder Pressure at time of Event
Column 9 Total time the AIR-PAK respirator had been on at time
of Event
Columns 4, 5, and 6 identify a particular AIR-PAK respirator
equipped with the SEMS PDA that has logged on to the Base Unit
in the course of the incident. The events include LOGON, PASS
activation, Withdrawal, Acknowledgement (ACK) of of messages,