Warranty service must be performed by a Remington Company -
owned Service Center or Authorized Service Dealer and damage or
loss of any kind resulting from servicing by any other person is not
covered under warranty. E n closed is a listing of Company - ow n e d
S e rvice Centers. Authorized Service Center Dealers may be found in
the yellow pages of your directory. If you wish,you may mail the
p r o d u c t ,p o s t p a i d ,to Remington Products Company,L . L . C . ,
60 Main Street,B r i d g e p o r t ,CT 06604 A t t e n t i o n :S e rvice Department.
U.S. Warranty Service
In the United States, service is pro v i d e d
by our Company-owned Service Centers
and over 300 Authorized Service Dealers.
The addresses of our Company-owned
S e rvice Centers are enclosed. For the
a d d ress of your nearest Authorized Serv i c e
D e a l e r, please consult the Yellow Pages
under “Shaver - Electric - Repair.” If you
wish, you may mail the product, postpaid,
to Remington Products Company, L.L.C.,
60 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604,
Attention: Service Depart m e n t .
International Warranty Service
S e r vice under the Remington warranty can
be obtained outside the United States by
Remington-Authorized Distributors and
S e rvice Dealers. Please consult your local
telephone dire c t o ry for the nearest location.
For questions or comments,please write:
Remington Products Company,L . L . C .
P. O .Box 1536,
H o r s h a m ,PA 19044-6536
A t t e n t i o n :Consumer A f f a i r s
Questions or Comments: Please call 1-800-736-4648.
Visit us at http:\\www. r e m i n g t o n - p r o d u c t s . c o m
60 Main Street Bridgeport, CT 06604
R e m i n g t o n ,E a s y - V i e w,
Fa s t - T rack and MicroFlex are
trademarks of Remington
C o r p o r at i o n ,L . L . C .
© 1998 R.P. C ,L . L . C .
7 / 9 8
Part No. 1 2 6 4 2
Full One-Year Warranty
Remington warrants that your product,except as noted below,i s ,o n
d ate of purchase,free from defect in material and workmanship.
Remington will correct any such defect without charge if you return
the complete product either in person or by mail,p o s t age paid,to a
Remington Company - owned Service Center or Authorized Serv i c e
Dealer within one year after date of purchase.
Do not return the product to the retailer from whom the product
was purchased.
This warranty does not cover damage by accident,m i s u s e ,abuse or
by affixing an unauthorized accessory or alteration to the product,o r
by connection of the product to any but the specific current and volt-
age indicated in an accompanying instruction booklet,or by any
other conditions beyond our control.REMINGTON SHALL NOT BE
D A M A G E S .
This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also hav e
other rights that vary from state to stat e . Some states do not allow
the exclusion limitation of incidental or consequential damages or
l i m i t ations on how long an implied warranty lasts,so that the above
l i m i t ations and exclusions may not apply to you.
No responsibility,o b l i g at i o n ,or liability is assumed for the installat i o n
or maintenance of this product.
MODEL R-850 Corded/Cordless Rechargeable
Operation contains a green charging indicator and
red low-battery indicator to show when shaver
needs recharging. Worldwide voltage 100-240 volts,
A.C., 50-60 Hz
MODEL R-845/R-842 Cordless Rechargeable
Operation with charging indicator, Worldwide
voltage 100-240 volts, A.C., 50-60 Hz
MODEL R-835 Corded operation, single voltage
120 volts, A.C., 60 Hz
All worldwide voltage models have automatic
voltage conversion Shaver will automatically
adjust to any worldwide A.C. voltage between
100 and 240 volts, A.C., 50-60 Hz. Do not
connect to direct current “D.C. Voltage”.
To Charge (Models R-842, R-845,R-850)
MODEL R-850 has a red low-battery indicator
to show when shaver needs recharging. This also
indicates approximately 5 to 6 minutes of shaving
time left when indicator first comes on. Prior to
using your shaver for the first time, put it on
charge for 24 hours. To charge your shaver:
• Slide the On/Off Button to the “Off” position.
• Connect the cord to the shaver and then to
the electric outlet. The Charging Indicator light
will glow green, indicating your shaver is charging.
• Your shaver cannot be overcharged, so you can
leave it plugged in and charging between shaves.
• Use only the cord supplied with shaver. The
R-842 and R-845 are designed for cordless opera-
tion only. Plugging in the cord will not provide the
power to shave. The R-850, on the other hand,
comes with a special feature that allows you to
shave while your shaver is plugged in. Just follow
the steps above to plug in the cord. Turn on the
shaver by pressing on the Locking Bar and sliding
the On/Off Button upward. Your shaver will not
recharge while you are shaving, so after shaving,
leave it plugged in so it can be recharged.
Corded Operation
Connect cord to shaver and then to electrical outlet.
Make sure shaver is turned off before plugging
cord into outlet.
Money-Back Offer
If within 30 days after you have purchased
your Remington
Shaver, you
are not satisfied with your shaver and
would like a refund, just return your
shaver, together with the sales receipt,
to the retailer from whom the shaver was
purchased. Remington will reimburse all
retailers who accept shavers within 30
days from date of purchase. If you have
any questions regarding this money-back
guarantee, please call 1-800-736-4648.