Pitney Bowes DP475 Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Digital Mailing Systems
SV61156 Rev. F
4. Step-By-Step Instructions
DM300c, DM400c,
DM450c, DM475
and DP300C,
DP400C, DP450C,
DP475 Systems
Only (cont.)
Managing Confirmation Records
1. Press Menu.
2. If necessary, press the green down arrow key to scroll
through the menu screens.
3. Select Advanced Features.
4. Select Confirmation Records. The Manage Confirma-
tion Records screen is displayed. You have a choice to
upload, add, view or edit records.
NOTE: If this is the rst time you’re adding records on the
system, only the Add Record option will appear. The Delete
Record option will not appear until you have uploaded
Confirmation Records
Upload Record
View Record
Delete Record
Add Record
Confirmation Records
Edit Record
A. If you want to upload a record, select Upload Re-
cord. Any available USPS records will be uploaded.
B. If you want to view a record that have not yet been
sent to the USPS, select View Record.
Select the record from the list provided. The
View Details for Records screen is displayed.
• Select OK when done viewing the details.