Pitney Bowes DP300C Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. F
4. Step-By-Step Instructions
Sending Confirmation Services Records at a Later
Your system stores barcode records in memory. If your
mailing system’s connection to the PB Data Center was
not available when you created your confirmation records,
you can upload (send) them at a later time. Your sys tem
will also prompt you when you’ve pro cessed the max i mum
num ber of piec es the mem o ry can store—200.
We recommend that you set up your mailing system to
connect to the PB Data Center (the way you are normally
connected when adding postage) and send (upload) your
con rmation services records no later than the end of busi-
ness on the same day they were entered to meet USPS
requirements. Otherwise, you will not be able to view the
records on the USPS or delivery tracking system web sites
and it may cause delays in processing your mail.
When the maximum number of records are reached (200),
the system prompts you to upload records. If you choose
not to, you can continue to run mail, but you cannot use
con rmation services. When the system wakes up, it will
remind you to upload records.
To send your records at a later time:
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice and select Advanced Fea-
3. Select Manage Conf Records. The Manage Records
screen is displayed.
DM100i, DM125,
DM200L, DM225,
and DP100i,
DP200L Systems
Only (cont.)
HINT: Make sure your
mailing system is set
up to connect to the PB
Data Center, the way
you are normally con-
nected when adding
View Record
Add Record
Delete Manifest
Upload Records
Print Report
Print Receipt
Edit Record