Pitney Bowes DM400c Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Digital Mailing Systems
SV61156 Rev. F
Certified Mail is a service offered by the USPS for a fee in
addition to postage, and may be combined with restricted
delivery and return receipt. This service is available for
Priority Mail and First Class Mail. Certified Mail provides a
delivery record that the Postal Service keeps for two years.
You can view the Certified Mail delivery record on the Track
and Confirm website at usps.com (see Section 6).
If you want hardcopy receipts or wish to specify restricted
delivery of your Certified Mail, there are options available
at your local Post Office (all at extra cost, payable to the
USPS). These are described below.
Return Receipts
Return receipt postcards are available from your local Post
When you buy the return receipt post card, sending a mail
piece by Certified Mail assures that you have legal proof of
receipt of the communication. The Postal Ser vice sends the
green return receipt post card back to you, the sender. This
is a very useful tool for collecting funds, re cov er ing checks
and making legal no ti fi ca tions. A return receipt for Certified
Mail serves as a le gal doc u ment prov ing the date and time
when the re cip i ent took pos ses sion of the mail piece.
2. About USPS Confirmation Services
Certified Mail—
Dark Hunter
Green Label
Pink Label (cont.)
You may combine Signature Confirmation with COD In-
sured mail, Registered Mail, and special handling. It may
also be combined with restricted delivery if purchased with
insurance for more than $220, COD, or Registered Mail
service. This is an additional cost for Signature Confirma-
tion service.
As an add-on ser vice to De liv ery Con fir ma tion, there is an
ad di tion al cost. When you upload (send) the trans ac tion
using your mailing system, the additional cost is slightly
lower than if your local Post Of fice han dles the transaction.