Pitney Bowes DM225 Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. F
4. Step-By-Step Instructions
9. If prompted, apply the barcode label to the piece of mail
(see page 22 for information on label placement).
NOTE: Make sure to use labels in the order they come off
the roll. This ensures that the barcode label matches the
barcode in the system.
10. Select Continue. Insert the tape sheet or place the
piece of mail on the feeder to print postage. The post-
age is printed on the mail piece or tape sheet.
11. The display asks if you want to process another con-
firmation services item. Follow the prompts to proceed
with more confirmation services items. If you’re done,
select No.
Services –
All Models (cont.)