Oregon Scientific EMR899HGN Thermometer User Manual

RF Transmission Frequency : 433 MHz
No. of Remote unit : Maximum of 3
RF Transmission Range : Maximum 30 meters
Temperature compensation : 0.1°C to ( 0.2°F)
Temperature sensing cycle : around 40 seconds
Main unit : 2 pcs UM-3 or “AA” 1.5V
alkaline battery
Remote sensing unit : 2 pcs UM-4 or “AAA” 1.5V
alkaline battery
Main unit : 164.5 gm
Remote sensing unit : 63 gm
Main unit : 117 x 107 x 26 mm
Remote sensing unit : 92 x 60 x 20 mm
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EMR899_EN_R3 8/30/04, 11:36 AM11