Body Mass index (BMI) is a measurement of your body height to weight ratio. BMI is the most widely used
an international standard for evaluating obesity. It is expressed as your body weight in kilograms divided by
the square of your body height in meters.
body weight (kg)
[body height (m)]
It can be used as indication to estimate whether you are overweight or underweight.
According to various statistics when BMI closes to 22, the mortality rate is the minimal thus the health
condition is most ideal.
The following can be used as a guidance reference for the interpretation of BMI reading.
BMI is low :
You have low amount of body fat. It will be desirable if you are an athlete. If your body weight and BMI is
low and you are not an athlete, it is suggested you to gain weight through a balance diet and exercise to
improve your own immunity.
BMI is average :
This shows an ideal BMI - your amount of body fat is at healthy level. It shows the lowest incidence for you
to have serious illness.
BMI is high :
This is the board line. Your risk to get illness increases. It is better to lower your body weight through diet
and exercise.
BMI is very high :
This is an unhealthy situation. You are excessive prosperity. You are at high risk to get heart disease, high
blood pressure and other series illness. It is strongly recommended you to lose weight by changing the diet
and execise more.
Mortality Rate
BMI value
Important : Please consult your doctor for the diet program.
Level Low Average High Very High
BMI 19.9 or less 20.0~24.9 25.0~26.9 30.0 or more
Level Low Average High Very High
BMI 19.7 or less 19.8~24.1 24.2~26.3 26.4 or more