Omron Healthcare HEM-630 Blood Pressure Monitor User Manual

Suggestions Before Measureing
Blood Pressure
Align the wrist cuff with the level of your heart (breast height)
and gently support your left hand with your right hand.
1. Avoid eating, smoking and exercising for at least
30 minutes before taking measurement. Also rest
for at least 10 to 15 minutes before taking a reading.
2. Stress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking
measurements during stressful times.
3. The cuff should be applied to your left wrist.
4. Measurments should be taken in a quiet place
and you should be in a relaxed, seated position.
Gently support your left hand in your right hand.
Do not place your right hand on the cuff itself.
5. Remain still and do not talk during the measurements.
6. Keep a record of you blood pressure and pulse for you doctor.
Remeber, a single measurement does not provide an accurate reading
of your true blood pressure. You need to take and record several readings
over a period of time. Try to mesure your blood pressure at the same
time each day for consistnecy.
7. Wait 2-3 minutes between successive mesurements. Waiting allows the
engorged blood vessels to return to normal. You may require more rest time
between readings depending on your individual physiological characteristics.