What is Full Body Sensing?
Full Body Sensing provides a comprehensive understanding of your body composition to help
you reach and/or maintain your fitness goals. Unlike other body composition monitors that rely
on foot-to-foot measurements, Omron’s monitor measures the whole body (arm to foot) which
provides a clinically-proven accurate profile.
How Omron calculates your body composition:
Omron’s algorithm focuses on the Bioelectrical Impedance Method as well as height, weight,
age and gender.
Bioelectrical Impedance Method: The Omron Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitor and
Scale estimates the body fat percentage by the Bioelectrical Impedance Method. Muscles, blood, bones
and body tissues with high water content conduct electricity easily. On the other hand, body fat does not
store much water, therefore has little electric conductivity. The Omron Full Body Sensor Body
Composition Monitor and Scale sends an extremely weak electrical current of 50 kHz and less than 500
µA through your body to determine the amount of water in each tissue. You will not notice or feel the
electrical current.
The ratios of the water in your upper and lower body change throughout the day – as gravity pulls more
water into your lower extremities. This means the electrical impedance of the body also varies – if more
water is in your legs, other monitors such as foot-to-foot may show incorrect body fat readings. The
Omron Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitor and Scale takes measurements from both hands
and feet – which reduces the influence water movement makes on your body composition results.