Failure and their possible causes
Incorrect measurement is indicated by
1. A correct reading could not be obtained
because measurement was disturbed by
movement of the body.
2. The cuff is not fitted correctly.
3. Your clothing has constricted your blood flow.
4. There is still air in the cuff when the monitor
is switched off.
The start button was pressed before the
( ) symbol was displayed
The blood pressure values displayed are ex-
tremely low or high, or they are implausible.
The display does not light up when the ( )
button is pressed.
1. The batteries are exhausted.
2. The +/- poles of the batteries have been
3. The battery contacts are dirty.
The batteries are weak or exhausted.
The cuff pressure does not rise although
the pump motor can be heard.
Err problem with mem. function
Failure, causes and rectification
1. Repeat the measurement keeping
perfectly still. Do not move your arm and
do not speak.
2. Check that the cuff is correctly fitted. Then
repeat the measurement.
3. Remove the item of clothing which cau-
sed the constriction.
4. The unit may be defective. Please have it
examined and, if necessary, repaired by
OMRON Customer Services.
Wait for the ( ) symbol indicating readin-
ess before you press the start button.
Refer to the instructions and then repeat the
1. Check the batteries and, if necessary, fit 4
new batteries.
2. Reinsert the batteries with the +/- poles
the right way round.
3. Clean the battery contacts with a dry cloth.
Fit new batteries.
Check that the air tube is properly connec-
ted to the monitor. Push the tube connector
firmly into the socket.
Contact Omron Customer Service.
• Before measuring, stretch your back and sit up straight,
breathe normally 5-6 times, relax your shoulders, arms
and entire body.
• Slightly bend and support your elbow ( e.g. on a table ).
• Do not move, talk or touch the device during measure-
• Stress influences your blood pressure, so try to relax
before taking a measurement.
• To compare results, measurements must always be
taken from the same arm.
• Do not place the cuff over thick clothes and do not roll up
your sleeve if it is too tight.
• Align the cuff with the height of your heart (breast
height). If necessary use a pillow or cushion.
• Coldness raises your blood pressure. It is recommended
to measure at room temperature ( +20°C).
• Relax before measurement. If necessary go to the
bathroom before measurement.
• Do not measure directly after bathing.
• If you wish to interrupt measurement prematurely, press
the ( ) button. Inflation is stopped and the air is auto-
matically released from the cuff.
• If you wish to repeat the measurement, follow the same
procedure as before starting at step 4 (Inflating the cuff).
• Blood pressure measurements taken in a moving vehicle
may be influenced by vibration.
• If an error has occurred during measurement E is dis-
played. Please refer to the next chapter.
• The monitor should be switched off after measurement
to avoid running down the batteries unnecessarily. If you
forget to do so, the monitor switches itself off automati-
cally after 5 minutes.
Hints on taking
blood pressure