• Do not use the unit near any device which generates strong electromagnetic radiation
or near a static electrical charge, as these may cause errors.
• Do not point the lens at the sun or at any other source of strong light. If you do, the sensor
may be damaged.
• Do not contact the lens against the object whose temperature is to be measured, or get
it dirty, allow it to be scratched, or allow any foreign material to adhere to it. Doing so
may cause errors.
• Do not touch or hold by the front cone. Temperature reading can be affected by heat
from hand.
• Do not place the meter on or around hot objects (70°C/158°F). It may cause damage
to the case.
• If the meter is exposed to significant changes in ambient temperature (hot to cold or cold
to hot). Allow 20 minutes for temperature stabilization, before taking measurement.
• Condensation may form on the lens when going from a cold to hot environment-wait 10
minutes for conden sation to dissipate befor taking measurements.
• This unit is not constructed to be water proof or dustproof, so do not use it in a very dusty
environment or in one where it will get wet.