Omega Engineering OS530L Thermometer User Manual

Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Solution
The thermometer does 1a. Properly install fresh batteries.
not turn on (No Display)
1b. If operating under ac power, check
that the ac adapter is plugged in
properly to the ac wall outlet and to the
1c. Make sure the batteries make good
contact - remove and reinstall the
2. Make sure that the trigger is pulled
1. Reset the thermometer. It sets all
of the parameters to the default
values and restores calibration. The
procedure is as follows, when the
thermometer is in sleep mode:
a. Press and hold the key.
b. Pull the trigger.
c. Release the trigger.
d. Release the key.
e. The version of the software is
displayed for about 1 second.
The emissivity display mode
immediately follows with the
emissivity of 0.95.
- The icon 1. Properly install fresh batteries.
- The thermometer
beeps intermittently.
- The thermometer
in the
Main Display.