Appendix 1.1 List of parameters
(1) For Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, and Process CPU
The following table lists PLC parameters need to be set for a Basic model QCPU, High Performance QCPU, or
Process CPU.
*3 For a Basic model QCPU, the online module change setting is disabled.
High Performance model QCPUs do not support the online change function. To replace a module controlled by a
Process CPU online, check the "Enable Online Module Change with Another PLC." checkbox.
PLC parameter
I/O Assignment
Type -
User's Manual (Function
Explanation, Program
Model Name - -
Points -
Start XY -
Base Setting
Base Model Name - -
Power Model Name - -
Extension Cable - -
Slots -
Switch Settings - -
Error Time Output Mode - -
PLC Operation Mode at H/W Error - -
I/O Response Time - -
Control PLC Page 80, Section 4.2.2
PLC System Points Occupied by Empty Slot -
User's Manual (Function
Explanation, Program
Multiple CPU
No. of PLC
Page 80, Section 4.2.2
Operation Mode
Online Module Change
All CPUs Can Read All Inputs
All CPUs Can Read All Outputs
Communication Area Setting
(Refresh Setting)
CPU Specific
Send Range
PLC Side Device -
: Item that must be set in a multiple CPU system (A system does not operate without setting.)
: Item that is set if needed in a multiple CPU system
- : Item that is the same as in a single CPU system
: Item that must have same settings among all the CPU modules in a multiple CPU system
: Item that must have same settings among all the QCPUs and PC CPU module in a multiple CPU system
(item that is not supported in Motion CPUs)
- : Item that can be set individually for each CPU module in a multiple CPU system