5.2 Taking Obstacles
Your wheelchair can overcome obstacles and kerbs with the following heights.
• STORM with front wheel type 200x50: 4 cm
• STORM with front wheel type 3.00x4”: 6 cm
• STORM with kerb climber: 10 cm
CAUTION: Danger of Tipping Over!
• Never approach obstacles at an angle!
• Put your backrest into an upright position before climbing an obstacle!
Driving up over an obstacle
• Approach the kerb or obstacle slowly head-on. Shortly before the front
wheels or kerb-lifter touch the obstacle, increase the speed and reduce
only after also the rear wheels have climbed the obstacle.
Driving down off of an obstacle
• Approach the kerb or obstacle slowly head-on. Before the front wheels
touch the obstacle, reduce the speed and keep it until also the rear wheels
have climbed the obstacle.