Pulse Oximetry Accessories
Model / Part Number Description
Boot, Protective, Rubber with StrapIRC780
Downloading Software for IRC 735IRC783
Adapter, AC/DCIRC785
Durable Finger ProbeIRC799
Adapter Airway StraightIRC820
Sample Line (4 Feet Long)IRC821
Filters, Gas ManifoldIRC822
Sample Line, Nasal, C02, AdultIRC830
Sample Line, Nasal, C02, PediatricIRC831
Sample Line, Nasal C02, InfantIRC832
AC Adapter, Used on IRC750 and IRC800IRC840
Sensor, Oximetry Wrap, InfantIRC900
Sensor, Oximetry, EarIRC901
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
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