75-7134—1 R. F. Rev. 12-97
Home and Building Control
Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
155 Gordon Baker Road
North York, Ontario
M2H 3N7
Home and Building Control
Honeywell Inc.
Honeywell Plaza
P.O. Box 524
Minneapolis MN 55408-0524
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled
paper containing at least 10%
post-consumer paper fibers.
Model Setpoint Thermometer
TP9600A Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9600B Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9603A Concealed Concealed
TP9603B Concealed Concealed
TP9610A Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9610B Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9613A Concealed Concealed
TP9613B Concealed Concealed
TP9620A Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9623B Concealed Concealed
TP9630A Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9630B Visible and adjustable Visible
TP9633A Concealed Concealed
TP9633B Concealed Concealed
Table 13. TP970 Series Thermostat Covers—Beige Plastic.
14004407-XXX Covers are paintable. See HP970-72 and
TP970-74 Pneumatic Sensors, Humidistats, and Thermostats
Installation Instructions 95-5597 for painting information.
Part Number 14004407-XXX*
Honeywell Logo No Logo
Setpoint Slot Setpoint Slot
Open Closed Open Closed
Window Mounting Mounting Mounting Mounting
Insert Display Unit Vert Horiz Vert Horiz Vert Horiz Vert Horiz
None —— —— -300 -400 —— —— † -800
Setpoint Thermometer
15-30 (C) 15-30 (C) -110 -210 —— —— —— —— —— ——
60-90 (F) 60-90 (F) -111 —— -311 —— -511 —— —— ——
15-30 (C) 60-90 (F) -113 —— —— —— —— —— —— ——
60-90 (F) —— -121 —— —— —— —— —— —— ——
*When ordering, use complete part number including three-digit suffix.
†14004406-008 Cover also suitable for vertical mounting.
60 70 80 90
60 70 80 90
60 70 80 90
Fig. 26. TP9600 Series Thermostat.
Table 14. TP9600 Series Thermostat Covers.