[EN] English - 3K386 Issue 1
To start - Set up the basic operation
Use the Set Up menu to set up the basic operation of the
If there is additional data for a menu option, select Settings (■■)
to see the values that are set up. If necessary, adjust the values.
Table 1: Menu options - Set Up
To start - Select a task (Measure)
When the instrument is set up (Table 1), use the Select Task
menu to select the applicable task.
In Table 2, IDOS is a Universal Measurement Module (UMM). If
you attach a UMM to the communications port (A1 - item [9]), the
Select Task menu includes the applicable IDOS options.
Table 2: Menu options - Select Task
Select Task
Set Up
(Table 2) (Table 1) [✓]/[ ]
Options Description
... Units To select the temperature units (°C or °F).
... Units UMM - Pressure options only. = “Pressure Units” if you
select an IDOS task (Table 2). If applicable, select one
of the fixed units of measurement (psi, mbar ... ).
To set up and use the Snapshot functions.
Additional data: Refer to Operation (Table4)
... type To select an applicable thermocouple type (K, J, T ... )
... Scale To select the applicable international temperature
scale: IPTS 68 or ITS 90.
To select and set up the backlight facility + timer.
Additional data: Select Settings (■ ■
To select and set up the power off facility + timer.
Additional data: Select Settings (■ ■
To show the battery level (%).
To set the display contrast (%).
Increases %, ▼ decreases %
To set the time + date. The calibration facility uses the
date to give service and calibration messages.
Snapshot adds a date/time stamp to each display.
To set the language option.
To calibrate the instrument.
Additional data: Refer to “Maintenance”.
To select and show the applicable status data
(Software Build, Service History, Serial Number).
Select Task
T1 input
(Table 2) Sk2 = Settings
Options Description
T1 Selects one temperature measurement task (T1, T2,
T1-T2). T1-T2 gives the temperature difference.
Selects two temperature measurement tasks (T1 and
IDOS UMM - Pressure options only. Selects the IDOS
pressure measurement task.
UMM - Pressure options only. Selects one
temperature measurement task (T1, T2, T1-T2) + the
IDOS pressure measurement task.
IDOS UMM - Pressure options only. Selects the IDOS
pressure measurement task + leak test.
To set up the way the instrument works.
Additional data: Refer to: Set Up (Table 1).