Follow the Arrows ✓
The ashing arrows on the right of the screen
show which direction keys you can press to move
around menus or view more text.
Understanding the Main Menu
Press MENU at any time to open the main menu.
Five (5) main menu options appear, listed as BOOKS,
LEARN, GAMES, ORG, and SETUP. To choose an
option, press its corresponding soft key. Or, press
or to cycle through the available main menu
options. Each main menu presents its own sub-
menu of additional choices. Press or to navigate
through each sub-menu. The entire main menu
hierarchy for your device is shown below:
Menu Navigation Guide
BOOKS (Books)
Compact PLUS français
Compact PLUS anglais
OALD 7th Edition
English Phrases
French Phrases
LEARN (Learning)
My French Vocabulary List
My English Vocabulary List
Grammar Guide
Spelling Bee
TOEFL® Test Word List
OALD Reference
Game Settings
Gender Tutor
Word Train
Word Auction
Word Blaster
ORG (Organiser)
World Clock
Liquids - USA
Liquids - UK
Currency Converter
Learn a Word
Type Size
Message Language
View Demo
Using the Dictionaries
Use your device to look up words and translate
their denitions from a source language to a target
language. Easily change the source and target
languages at any time.
Press MENU.1.
Press 2. or to select a dictionary.
Choose Compact PLUS français, Compact PLUS
anglais, or OALD 7th Edition.
Or, as a shortcut, instead of steps 1 and 2, 3.
press one of the direct dictionary keys as
shown below:
Press MENU, and then or to
select a dictionary
...or, press:
Compact PLUS français
Compact PLUS anglais
OALD 7th Edition
Note: Each time you press you toggle
between the French and English dictionaries.
Type the word you want to look up or 4.
You can type accent marks, capital letters, and
special symbols, but they are not required to
nd matches. To type accent marks, type a letter
rst and then press ACCENT repeatedly until
you see the mark you want.
To type a capital letter, hold down and press
a letter key.
To type a special symbol or punctuation mark,
press FN + ACCENT repeatedly until you see the
symbol you want.
Press ENTRER.5.
Your word appears in the source language
with one or more translated entries in the
target language. You may also see additional
content described later in this guide. See
“Understanding Denitions.”
If multiple denitions exist for your word, you
will see a prompt (e.g., “Entry 1 of 3”).
A root headword may automatically appear for
any alternate spelling you enter.
If you enter a misspelled word or a word not
in the dictionary, a list of corrections appears.
Select the one you want and then press
If you type an inected word form (e.g., “went”)
matching root entries appear (e.g., “go”).
Note: If there are multiple screens of
information, press or , or , or ESPACE
to read them.
Press 6. to return to your original entry in
the word entry screen.
If a list of corrections appears, you may select
another one, or press again to return to the
original entry.
Press EFFAC to start a new search.7.
Finding All Matching Words
If you are uncertain as to how to spell a word, type
the portion you do know, and type a question mark
(?) in place of each unknown letter. Type an asterisk
(]) to stand for any missing portion of a word,
including prexes, suxes, spaces, symbols, or any
number of letters. Note: If you type an asterisk at
the beginning of a word, it may take additional time
to nd the matching words.
At a word entry screen, type known letters, a 1.
? in place of each unknown character, and a ]
in place of any string of unknown characters.
For example, type m?cro].
To type an asterisk, hold down and press .
Press ENTRER.2.
You see a list of matching words.
Press 3. or to select the word you want
and press ENTRER to view its translation,
dictionary, or thesaurus entry.
Press EFFAC when done.4.
Understanding Denitions
Compact PLUS Denitions
When you look up a word or phrase using the
Compact PLUS francais or Compact PLUS anglais
dictionaries, you will see denitions translated into
the target language. One or more of the following
items will appear in the denition:
the original entry or closest matching root •
headword in the source and target languages;
multiple forms of the source word arranged in a •
a phonetic spelling for pronunciation;•
the part of speech (e.g., adjective, noun, verb, etc.) •
for each usage example;
a single translated denition, or multiple •
numbered translated denitions arranged by
usage or context;
idioms, including short examples demonstrating •
proper usage in both the source and target
OALD Denitions
OALD denitions are always displayed in English;
they are not translated. When you look up a word or
phrase using the OALD, one or more of the following
will appear in the denition:
the original entry or closest matching root •
one or more related headwords demonstrating •
multiple forms of your original entry;
a phonetic spelling for pronunciation;•
the part of speech (e.g., adjective, noun, verb, etc.) •
for each usage example;
the denition, or multiple numbered denitions •
arranged by usage or context;
a short example sentence or phrase •
demonstrating proper use;
synonyms (SYN) and antonyms (OPP);•
phrasal verb forms;•
usage notes, including grammar notes and •
explanations concerning British vs. American
English. (See “OALD Reference” to learn more.)
Oxford 3000™ Entries ( ✓ )
OALD denition entries with a key symbol
immediately after their headwords are part of
The Oxford 3000™—core words considered to be
essential when learning English.
Selecting Words Inside Entries
Another way to learn new words is to freely select
them as you read other screens, including dictionary
entries, word lists, games, grammar guides, phrases,
OALD Reference material, etc. Not all words and
not all screens support this feature. In general, if the
word allows you to highlight it using the steps below,
it can be selected for translation, added to custom
word lists, or used with any other features.
At a screen supporting word selection, press 1.
If the rst word on the screen is now
highlighted, this feature is supported.
Press 2. , , , or to position the highlight
cursor over an available word.
Press ENTRER to see the translation for that 3.
You may continue selecting words as you 4.
read by pressing ENTRER.
Press LEÇ to add words to your own lists. See
“My Vocabulary List”.
Press 5. repeatedly to view the history of
entries you selected.
Press EFFAC to exit word selection mode, 6.
clear all history, and return to the original
Inections and Conjugations
Inections, declensions, and conjugations show
changes in a word’s gender, tense, number, person,
and other subtle variations. This dictionary includes
extensive inections of nouns, verbs, modiers,
and other words, grouped collectively under the
abbreviation (CONJ). Follow these steps using
the example word suggested or with your own
word on any screen that shows the CONJ soft key.
This includes any dictionary word entry screen,
denition screen, grammar guide, etc.