Sybase DC38133-01-0902-01 Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

The Adaptive Server Anywhere sample database
Many of the examples throughout the documentation use the Adaptive
Server Anywhere sample database.
The sample database is held in a file named
, and is located in
your SQL Anywhere directory.
The sample database represents a small company. It contains internal
information about the company (employees, departments, and finances) as
well as product information and sales information (sales orders, customers,
and contacts). All information in the database is fictional.
The following figure shows the tables in the sample database and how they
relate to each other.
code char(2) <pk>
type char(10)
description char(50)
id integer  <pk>
name char(15)
description char(30)
size char(18)
color char(6)
quantity integer
unit_price numeric (15,2)
id integer <pk>
last_name char(15)
first_name char(15)
title char(2)
street char(30)
city char(20)
state char(2)
zip char(5)
phone char(10)
fax char(10)
id integer  <pk>
fname char(15)
lname char(20)
address char(35)
city char(20)
state char(2)
zip char(10)
phone char(20)
company_name char(35)
year char(4) <pk>
quarter char(2) <pk>
code char(2) <pk,fk>
amount numeric(9)
id  integer <pk>
cust_id integer <fk>
order_date date
fin_code_id char(2) <fk>
region char(7)
sales_rep integer <fk>
id integer <pk,fk>
line_id smallint <pk>
prod_id integer <fk>
quantity integer
ship_date date
dept_id integer <pk>
dept_name char(40)
dept_head_id integer <fk>
emp_id integer  <pk>
manager_id integer
emp_fname char(20)
emp_lname char(20)
dept_id integer <fk>
street char(40)
city char(20)
state char(4)
zip_code char(9)
phone char(10)
status char(1)
ss_number char(11)
salary numeric(20,3)
start_date date
termination_date date
birth_date date
bene_health_ins char(1)
bene_life_ins char(1)
bene_day_care char(1)
sex char(1)
id = prod_id
id = cust_id
id = id
emp_id = sales_rep
emp_id = dept_head_id
code = fin_code_id
dept_id = dept_id
code = code