Thank you for choosing the Escali Track & Target Bathroom Scale. This precision
state-of-the-art measuring instrument is most accurate when weighing on a at
hard surface. This scale will not function correctly on carpet. As the electronic
sensors are sensitive, avoid dropping or jarring the scale and store where it will
be protected from impact.
Operating Instructions
1. Place four AAA batteries (total 4) into the battery compartment located on
the base of the scale. Ensure the +/- termi
nals are correctly placed as indi-
cated by the diagram within the battery compartment.
2. Select your desired mode of display (lb or kg) by pressing the button located
on the base of the scale.
3. Press the Set Button. The word User will begin to ash. Using theUp and
Down arrows, select
the User number pre-
ferred. Press Set to
conrm selection.
4. The word Target will
begin to ash. Using
the Up and Down but-
tons select the target weight. PressSet to conrm selection.
5. The word Weight will appear and d
isplay 0.0. The scale is now ready for use.
Simply stand still on the weighing platform with your feet evenly spaced
within 10 seconds. Once your weight has been determined, a message to Get
Othe scale will be displayed. Once you have stepped oof the scale the
progress toward the target weight will be displayed along with the change in
weight since the last weighing.
6. If you do not step oof the scale when the words Get Oare displayed, the
scale will begin to rotate through the 4 User Numbers.
When the display
shows your desired User Number step othe scale and your progress will be
7. Para cambiar el peso objetivo simplemente repita los pasos 3-5.
8. En el futuro simplemente subase a la báscula. Mientras su peso no haya cam-
biado en más de 3 kg. La báscula seleccionará su usuario de manera automá-
Informacion adicional
1. Asegúrese que su báscula este a la temperatura del cuarto, y sobre una su-
percie horizontal libre de vibraciones.
2. Esta báscula no es a prueba de agua. No la expongaala humedad.
3. Como esta báscula es un instrumento de precisión, debe utilizarse con extre
mo cuidado. Evite malos tratos, movimientos y vibraciones.
4. No desarme esta báscula ya que la garantía automáticamente será nula.
5. La pantalla puede ser afectada por alteraciones electromagnéticas como el
hecho de operarla cerca de un radio. Si esto pasa, mueva el aparato causante
del problema, apague la báscula y vuélvalaaprender.
Garan tía
Subáscula Escali esta garantizada contra cualquier
defecto en los materiales y mano de obra po run vida
desde la fecha de compra. Para mayores detalles visite
nuestra página: