1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Installation and Details for Caution Use -------------------------------------------------
3. Name of Each Part ----------------------------------------------------------------
4. Instructions classified by Power Source -------------------------------------------------
5. Keypad and Display Information -------------------------------------------------------
6. Function ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Procedures to set to Zero
- Procedures to set up and release the Tare
- Procedures to save a preset key (PLU key) with Unit weight
- Procedures to add up
- Procedures to set up time to automatically turn off the power
7. Error Indication and its Information ----------------------------------------------------
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing our Escali commercially applicable CB SERIES electronic scale. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully
in order to fully utilize the features.
The protection provided by this equipment may be impaired if this equipment is used in a manner not specified in this manual.
Possible modifications could be made to this product in the future for quality and functional improvement purposes.
z Installation Category : This instrument is supplied from the fixed installation.
z Pollution degree 2 : General environment without restriction for dust and moisture.
: Grounding, : Caution